

38th Annual Conference of
International Association of Trichologists IAT

November, 11th and 12th, Buenos Aires

Maimónides University | Hidalgo 775, Cap. Fed. | 8am to 6pm

Call for Scientific abstracts

The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit their summaries (abstracts) for consideration and inclusion in the program.

Date of online submission of Abstracts: from February 10, 2013

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: October 20th, 2013

Assessment Deadline abstracts: October 30th, 2013

Important: Please note that only electronic submission will be accepted. By fax or mail abstracts will not be reviewed.

Submit your work to the following address:

Rules for assembling technical - scientific work in poster format.

Must not exceed A1 sheet size (842mm x 594mm).
Authors should bring their own biphasic tape so as to glue them on vertical panels.
The set will be held on Monday 11 in the morning and may be removed on Tuesday 12 afternoon.
Awards will be given on Tuesday afternoon.
The deadlines for submission of papers were extended to October 20.
Once abstract approved, and so as to have final approval, there must be at least one author inscribed so as to present the work in front of jury.

Preparing Your Resume

Abstracts may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

A "rigorous" selection process will be used. Note that:
There should be no hallmarks, such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities, or may appear in the title or abstract text.
Do not include the names of the authors either.
The names of authors and their affiliations to institutions should be mentioned separately when sending the Original.
The material in the Notes should be original and not previously published.
The title should be as short as possible, but enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
Original size is limited to 3,000 characters (this includes title, body of abstract, spaces, tables and graphs). The submission program will automatically calculate the size of your Notes and will not allow submissions that do not conform to the size requirements.
Each section (Introduction and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions) should be entered in the boxes labeled individually.
You can click on the icons below to insert tables, images or specific characters.

Structure your abstract with the following headings:
Introduction and Objectives: A phrase describing the purpose of the study
Materials and Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects accurately
Results: Describe the results in a logical sequence
Conclusions: Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions drawn from them

Failure to comply with these requirements will result in automatic rejection of the request:
Check spelling and grammar carefully. Direct playback of your text sent electronically means that any error in the data of spelling, grammar or scientific will be reproduced as submitted.
Use generic names. The product trade names not be used. Assets must be referred to the active substance or INCI.
There should be no mention of names of Cosmetic or Pharmaceutical companies included in the Summary.
The evaluation and qualification of Notes (acceptance as a poster or oral presentation or rejection) will be done according to a number of criteria, including:
Is the content is interesting, informative, novel or important?
Are the methods are valid, relevant results and conclusions justified by the data?
Is the data are presented clearly and with proper structure?
Is the text written in accordance with proper grammar either in Spanish, English or Portuguese? Is that correct syntactic style?

Authors should specify whether to present it as:
*Poster presentation only
*Oral presentation only (ie, if there is rejection of the Notes, there will be other presentation!)
*Poster or Oral Presentation

The 2nd International Congress "Trichology, Hair Science", Argentina 2013, in cooperation with Faculty of 1000, invites all presenters to deposit any of their poster/oral presentation(s) slides into the established open access poster repository, F1000 Posters to allow those who could not make the meeting have the opportunity to see your novel work. To deposit your research, simply go to this link and upload your file to maximize the value of your conference presentations.
